What are native ads in advertising? 

Native advertising is the use of paid ads that match the look, feel and function of the media format in which they appear. Native ads are often found in social media feeds, or as recommended content on a web page. Unlike display ads or banner ads, native ads don’t really look like ads.

Advantages of Native Advertising

What is the use of native advertising?

Native advertising is paid media designed to match the content of a media source. An example of mobile native advertising would be paid video content on the Youtube app. This media is designed to match the visual design and function of natural content, appearing in your feed of recommended videos.

1. Custom content (branded native and branded content) is more trustworthy than traditional advertising

According to a Time Inc. study, 2 in 3 GenZ, Millennials, and GenX consumers trust branded content more than traditional advertising. As a group of more visually-inclined individuals, GenZ is open to engaging with custom content because, compared with traditional ads, it’s more entertaining, thought-provoking, and leaves a lasting impression.

2. Interesting content is engaged with more.

In a consumer’s eyes, ”interesting” is synonymous with “relevant.” According to a Reuters survey, 75% of consumers say that, if content peaks their interest, then they will engage with it. It doesn’t matter if the content is branded or not. But, there are additional steps in building a branded content campaign that can make it even more successful: understanding the audience, knowing how, when, where, and why a piece of content should be placed, creating an emotional connection with the consumer and aligning the content with their personality, personalizing the content, and employing more engaging formats like videos and infographics.

3. Native display ads receive a higher click-through-rate (CTR) than typical display ads

In fact, the CTR is 8.8 times higher with native display ads, according to an AppNexus whitepaper. Native ads have performed particularly well for advertisers in the pets, food and drink, and family and parenting brand categories, as shown by the graph below.

4. Native advertising drives Millennials to make purchases

Collective Bias survey discovered that 1/3 of Millennials say that they’ve purchased something as a result of a sponsored post. Surprisingly, consumers don’t immediately dismiss these posts. Almost 37% agreed that useful and high-quality posts negate the content’s branded nature.


The overall growth of native advertising has slowed in recent years, This fact, however, doesn’t signal the format’s end. Native advertising may have certain drawbacks, but it also has many more benefits. Advertisers aren’t ready to give it up  just yet.